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Fractional CMO, COO,  Strategist, Speaker, Podcaster

Home: Welcome

Fractional COO, CMO

The Path to Success

There's no one size fits all here. Businesses all need something a little bit different.  Book an introductory meeting today to learn more about how I can make your business thrive.

Brand Strategy

Long term vision with tactical solutions for day to day growth. Start with "why" and build structures needed for growth.

My services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client. I work collaboratively throughout the entire process and guarantee measurable results. Contact me to find out how I can help today.


Teams & Structure

Growing Companies need structure and a way to build great company culture

Making the shift from entrepreneurial to scalable growth takes planning, structure and dedication. I know what it takes to get there.


About Me

Strategic and Purposeful

I'm obsessed with retail and helping companies with strategic, compelling growth.  I've worked with big global Fortune 500 companies, but I've also worked in and with start-ups, early stage and late stage. 


Skilled in Sales Strategy, Marketing, and pretty much all things that companies need to help them get to the next stage of growth.


Home: About Me
Online work meeting

Wondering how I can help?

The Best way to see how I think is to listen to our podcast.

200+ episodes, 5 years running, sharing journeys to retail and helping brands along the way

andy reed.jfif

Aside from being a perpetually positive, energetic, and compassionate human being, Phil is a marketing MACHINE!! Phil is able to do the work of a team of five. He is a marketing Swiss army knife – able to produce high quality content at dizzying speed, delegate, organize cross-functional teams, and call on his many skills as a seasoned marketer to weave together and deliver interesting, cohesive value stories that create gravity in the market and drive sales leads.

Andy Reed, Nymi


Articles that I've written...and what I think!

RetailWire Contributor

Since 2017




How to Make a Retail Pop-up Shop Successful




How​ ​Hashtags​ ​and​ ​Selfies Help​ ​Your​ ​Bottom​ ​Line


Experts Dispute Walmart's Wisdom In Raising Online Prices


Private Label Blindsides


The Choice of a New Generation


Building a Healthy Campaign

Feb 23, 2017

Why Do Your Job When Influencers Can Do It For You?



Podcasts & Other Media

CoHost of This Commerce Life

A voice for small business. 126 episodes and counting! Currently focused on how Covid affects retailers

Pet Retail Series with Phil Chang - Marketing, Brand Vision, Mom & Pop Brick & Mortar and of course,

Covering all the bases with retail and manufacturing in the time of COVID19  with Phil Chang otherwise know as Retail Phil

Webinar: Security & Privacy. Two competing priorities

  • A Look at modern day requirements for the modern day worker

  • Security, protecting the company, protecting the worker

  • Privacy. What a company needs, and what a worker wants to keep private

  • Can they co-exist? Finding ways to move forward with both security and privacy

20 Minutes of Influence

How Bark disrupted pet retail with a great customer experience…for dogs

Repeat Customer podcast, episode 7

The Next Generation of Commerce + Community

Former Host of Hubba Radio / Shelfspace

Host of Hubba' Retail Radio


Valued Clients

Brands and Companies I've had the priviledge of helping

biocide labs.jpeg


Download Now

Global Pet 2021:
Marketing Plans and Execution

This session is about execution on marketing strategies, making some adjustments to the environment we're in today, and how to evaluate when things need to change or evolve.

How to ensure that you manage to keep your priorities and growth targets in focus.

Global Pet 2020:
Learn how to build a great experiential moment and make money at it

Presented on Feb 27th with Kenny Vannucci (@kootenayborn)
Everyone is talking about experiential marketing. In this session, start with your in-store (virtual or brick and mortar) experiential opportunities and learn how to build it with return on investment in mind. Surprise and delight for the consumer doesn’t mean losing money for you the retailer.

Ex-Target Buyer Speaks: Storytelling and Data

July 12, 2025

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